
Before you take your swing, make sure you know the quick and easy rules that will make every game a resounding victory.

Team selection

4 players

Form your winning duo by choosing a teammate, then designate a captain ready to lead the team to victory.

2 to 3 players

Face off in a duel, each playing for their own victory, where only the best will prevail.

1 player

This is the perfect time to improve your skills. We all know that in hockey, the secret is practice!

Game Mode Selection

Quick Play : First to get to 7 points wins

The classic 21 : first to get a total of 21 points

The score


2 more points for your team or for you.


1 more point for your team or for you.


adds 1 point and removes 1 point from the opponent.

Please note that the count cannot be less than 0.

face off

The 2 captains go to the throwing board for the face-off. The winner of the face-off will decide whether his team starts or not.

Start the game

  • The first team to start sends its captain to play his 6 shots.
  • Each player has the freedom to choose the order of the pucks.
  • Then it is the second captain's turn.
  • History repeats itself until one team wins.


As for the distance between the rink and the goalie, determine the ideal spot with the opponent so that both teams are in agreement. We recommend a distance of 12 feet.

Show your talent!